檢視圖片 Social issues are controversy subject topics from an issue of a newspaper.You can review the three issue of the specific social issues on Eng. compo. only:-
(1)March 1st Friday:-Land Policy Dumped the Land:-
government--site tenders--control of local land--Secretary for development-Paul Chan Mo-po.---sites for sale to developers---abolish the system----residential property.
-----residential sites-----private homes----housing market-----land sites.
(2)March same date:-Tour Agency Banned 8 months Over Fiasco:-
3A Holidays travel agency suspended-----Travel Agents Registrar----mainlanders coach overnight---suspend the agency's license----evidence----Wong Apologized Publicly----travel agency----tour group----Apologize to TVB-----travel industry----accommodation for the mainlanders- ----- --local agencies arrange sightseeing.
(3)How is scholarship fund structured?-----March 1st Friday;
HK$480 million fund to study English-----child education----subsidize 20 students-----for the 2014-15-----two-year service required----20 places too few----questioned the restrictions----study overseas become English teachers----Education Bureau---education sector----Secretary for Ed Eddie Ng Hak-kim----English priority policy----despite employing and retaining teachers on small-class teaching.-----details left to the Bureau! Other political issues ,controversies, problems, subjects, topics are to be outcomed by yourself, if you know English! Hope you're successful!LV超3A名牌購物網
(1)March 1st Friday:-Land Policy Dumped the Land:-
government--site tenders--control of local land--Secretary for development-Paul Chan Mo-po.---sites for sale to developers---abolish the system----residential property.
-----residential sites-----private homes----housing market-----land sites.
(2)March same date:-Tour Agency Banned 8 months Over Fiasco:-
3A Holidays travel agency suspended-----Travel Agents Registrar----mainlanders coach overnight---suspend the agency's license----evidence----Wong Apologized Publicly----travel agency----tour group----Apologize to TVB-----travel industry----accommodation for the mainlanders- ----- --local agencies arrange sightseeing.
(3)How is scholarship fund structured?-----March 1st Friday;
HK$480 million fund to study English-----child education----subsidize 20 students-----for the 2014-15-----two-year service required----20 places too few----questioned the restrictions----study overseas become English teachers----Education Bureau---education sector----Secretary for Ed Eddie Ng Hak-kim----English priority policy----despite employing and retaining teachers on small-class teaching.-----details left to the Bureau! Other political issues ,controversies, problems, subjects, topics are to be outcomed by yourself, if you know English! Hope you're successful!LV超3A名牌購物網